*** * VEIL of MYSTERY * ***

Reports of this extraordinary strawberry inhabiting high altitudes of Chilean Andes have been stirring expert circles for quite a time. However, due to the extreme, hard to access wilderness of their native range, the sufficient affirmative evidence of their existence has only been presented very recently, with the alarming conclusion that the numbers are limited and appear to be decreasing .
As wise as Mother Nature is, at some point a natural cross is thought to have occurred between the High Altitude Andean Wild Strawberry and Beach North American Wild Strawberry, resulting in the species becoming able to colonize areas way out of the initial native range and thrive in the tropical climates of South American Lowland Valleys.
It's existence being confirmed, Legend of the Alps has not lifted it's Mystery veil completely.
Even nowadays, there is no united opinion between the specialists whether it belongs to a variation of direct High Altitude Andean Strawberry strain, or whether it is the result of the cross-pollination mentioned above. A few other hypotheses are running along as well.
Whatever the origin is, the plant is definitely VERY RARE and truly STRIKING !

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